Scientific Research

Use of titanium for ICamBodies

Why does Imetric exclusively use titanium for their ICamBodies?

Studies have shown both TECAPEEK and PEEK have been shown to deform and degrade significantly in an autoclave.

Conclusion for TECAPEEK AND PEEK

“Study results confirm that there is a change in the material’s mechanical property in terms of hardness scale due to the effects of heat and moisture during the sterilization process.  In general, moisture absorption in polymer occurs through diffusion and capillary processes [23,24,25], which induce plastic deformation either by plasticization or by differential strain due to the swelling while stretching the polymeric chains [26]. These effects can significantly alter the physical, chemical, or mechanical characteristics of materials at different scales [27].”

Q: Why does Imetric exclusively use titanium for their ICamBodies?

A: Studies have shown both TECAPEEK and PEEK have been shown to deform and degrade significantly in an autoclave.

Why Does Imetric Exclusively Use Titanium For Their ICamBodies

Conclusion for TECAPEEK AND PEEK: “Study results confirm that there is a change in the material’s mechanical property in terms of hardness scale due to the effects of heat and moisture during the sterilization process.  In general, moisture absorption in polymer occurs through diffusion and capillary processes [23,24,25], which induce plastic deformation either by plasticization or by differential strain due to the swelling while stretching the polymeric chains [26]. These effects can significantly alter the physical, chemical, or mechanical characteristics of materials at different scales [27].”


Conclusion for Carbon Fiber TECAPEEK: “The moisture absorption most often leads to changes in the thermophysical, mechanical and chemical characteristics of the epoxy matrix by plasticization and hydrolysis [6]. Integrity of polymer composites in terms of matrix cracking and/or fiber/matrix debonding/discontinuity by humid ageing may be reflected by moisture absorption and interlaminar shear strength studies.”

The material selected in this study was an TECA-PEEKTM by Ensinger with a melt temperature of 334 C and a glass transition temperature (Tg) of 143 C. The material exhibited significant cyclic softening in both tension and compression when subjected to the uniaxial strain-controlled cyclic loading. Four distinct regions of cyclic stress behavior were identified. These included initial, transition, cyclic stability, and region of crack propagation.

Q: How do intraoral scanners compare to ICam for fullarch clinical accuracy?

A: See the surprising research conducted at Harvard University. When evaluating mean and maximum deviations, only ICam demonstrated clinically acceptable precision.

A cross-over clinical study on the precision of digital intraoral scanning versus photogrammetry for implant rehabilitation of completely edentulous patients.


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